2013. február 9., szombat

Valahol egy kis ablakon nem nyílnak már a pünkösdi rózsák

Valahol egy kis ablakon nem nyílnak már a pünkösdi rózsák
Valahol egy kis ablakon elmúltak a szerelmi nóták.
Valahol egy csendes utcán szomorúan, álmodozva járok
Meg ne tudja soha senki, hogy én mindig valakire várok.

Valamikor boldog voltam, ha pünkösdi rózsát láttam nyílni
Valamikor örömkönnyel tudtam én a rózsák között sírni
Valamikor nem gondoltam, hogy én egyszer itt maradok árván
Hogy énnékem nem nyílnak már soha többé a pünkösdi rózsák.

Énnékem is az a bűnöm mind a többi korhely cimboráknak
Mámorosan nótaszóval múlatom át én az éjszakákat
Mert szerettem egy barna kislányt, aki egyszer mindenem volt nékem
Elhagyott és érte züllök, múlatom át én az éjszakákat.  

4 megjegyzés:

  1. Hi, do you speak English? Can you tell me the meaning of this poem? Thank you!

  2. Hi,

    I'm beginner, but i'm trying translate for you:

    Somewhere, in a small window, the rose doesn't bloom
    Somewhere, in a small window, the love song doesn't sound.
    Somewhere, in a quiet street, sadly, I go dreaming
    that don't know nobody: I always wait for someone.

    Once I was happy with you, when I saw the roses
    Once I could cry among the roses
    I didn't believe, that i'll stay orphan,
    That the roses never bloom again for me.

    I have a sin, similar than my boyfriends.
    I revel drunk all of night
    Because I love a brunette girl, who means once everything to me
    Abandoned, so I drunk and revel all night.

    That is a sad love song. :)

  3. Thank you for translating the lyrics. Is this a traditional Hungarian song (folk song)? Do you know the background of the song? The author? When was the song written? Is there any story behind this song?

    Sorry for many questions. I found this song in a painting with a image of a young lady. I thought it's beautiful so I wanted to know about this song.

    Thank you!!

  4. Yes, it's a hungarian folk song. Most of the cases we don't know nothing about a song, because we have more than 150.000 folk song.

    I collected this song in my native village, in Alsosofalva from a old lady. She wrote a song collection when she was young (about 1950). I publicated this song from this booklet.

    I found some other form of this song: http://magyarnota.network.hu/video/granat_zsuzsa_enekel/valahol_egy_kisfaluban
    Authors: Morvai Károly - Dulácska Gézáné.

    Morvai Karoly was born in 1914 in Budapest (600-700 km. from Alsosofalva). It's a good question, that he is the real author, or he heard this song when he was child. If he is the real author, then it isn't a folk song, just a similar genre.
